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What did the empresario Rafael Eladio Núñez Aponte feel when he visited the Sanctuary of the Virgin Undoer of Knots?



Visiting the sanctuary is an enriching experience from every point of view. Connecting with nature, with God. To be able to meditate, pray… Its spaces are away from the hustle and bustle of the city so that visitors can reach a true recollection. The design is ecological. Its paths are surrounded by jungle. The architecture is rustic, made entirely of wood.

Thousands of white ribbons welcome all the visitors who come to the Sanctuary of the Virgen Desatadora de Nudos in Cancun, Mexico, and empresario Rafael Eladio Nuñez Aponte was a witness of this reception. The ribbons are tied everywhere and contain the petitions written by the faithful. They trust in the intercession of the Mother of God. They trust in her infinite love. Faith moves them. No matter how serious the problem they are going through, they simply open their hearts and give the virgin their intentions.

When the miracle happens, the faithful return to the sanctuary. This time the ribbon is colored and does not contain petitions, but thanks for the favor granted.

According to Father Luis Pablo Garza, founder of this wonderful oasis, in an interview published in a Mexican portal, "we have miracles of health, of people who had not been able to get pregnant, of family reconciliations, of spouses, of work… there are all kinds of issues that entrust a knot to her, and that are attributed to this devotion. Physical, moral and spiritual miracles".

Visiting the sanctuary is an enriching experience from every point of view. Connecting with nature, with God. To be able to meditate, pray… Its spaces are away from the hustle and bustle of the city so that visitors can reach a true recollection. The design is ecological. Its paths are surrounded by jungle. The architecture is rustic, made entirely of wood.

"The people who come here feel something very special, they feel a great peace and the contact with nature helps people to meet God", added the father in the interview.

A little piece of heaven

These words are confirmed by empresario Rafael Eladio Núñez Aponte, creator of the account Healing with the Angels, who had the opportunity to visit this magical place, which he described as a little piece of heaven.

"What caught my attention the most, what I felt the most, was the loving presence of the Mother in that sanctuary. Besides the way it is built, all in wood, churuata style, it looks practically like an inn. The most interesting thing is that it is in the city, you enter and you are already in another world, it is a little piece of heaven, an open heaven there, it is very beautiful, there are no words".

The empresario Rafael Eladio Núñez Aponte toured all the spaces of the sanctuary and in each of them, he felt a deep peace and a special connection with God. "The chapel of Santo Silencio impressed me a lot, it feels like something from another level. The main chapel, very beautiful, with the painting of the Virgin Untying Knots. The Plaza de los Milagros, where people have colored ribbons when the miracle has been done, and well, the part of the ribbons, which are everywhere, in all the roads, they make their intentions, their petitions on white silk ribbons, they tie them and then the miracle happens".

Rafael has an important community of followers in his social networks, so he took the opportunity to show them how amazing this place is through his Live.

"The experience of the Live at the Sanctuary has been wonderful, more than 11 thousand views, with the music of Amibalec Gonzalez as accompanist, that is very angelic or guided by the Holy Spirit, very healing. Undoubtedly, they have been spectacular because there is a good connectivity, the community of Healing with the Angels was very attentive to this trip", he highlighted.

During the conversation, empresario Rafael Eladio Núñez Aponte shared an anecdote that he found very impressive. He was sitting in a mass and suddenly, during the mass, when it was time to give the peace, there was a person who said: 'Hey, aren't you Rafael, from Healing with the Angels? My name is Agustin and I am from Venezuela. I follow you and I had always asked to meet you and look, it happened'.

For him, it was more than a coincidence, it was a God. "That person assisted us in several Live, we needed it, and I did a healing, it was very liberating, it was a very special meeting, with his wife, his family. Imagine the possibility that someone who sits next to you when the peace is going to be given, recognizes you with the mask and at the same time is from Venezuela, for me that was impressive".

Finally, the empresario Rafael Eladio Núñez Aponte, creator of Sanando con los ángeles, told us that he feels great devotion for the Virgin in all her invocations, especially for the Virgin Untier of Knots because she has in her picture the Archangel Raphael, the healer. "and since my name is Raphael and I do healing, healing intercession, it is interesting because there are many signs with which I feel identified".

History of the Virgin

The story goes that the picture of the Virgin was painted to give thanks for the miracle of a couple that was going through a crisis. At that time, it was customary to tie the hands of the spouses with a ribbon when they got married. This was a symbol of communion of life. With each problem that arose, the wife would tie a new knot in the ribbon. The ribbon became full of knots.

When the couple went to the virgin to ask her to heal their relationship, all the knots were untied and they were able to live happily. The couple had children and grandchildren. It was precisely one of their grandsons who had the painting painted as a way of thanking the virgin for her intercession.

This is, without a doubt, a wonderful story, and you will be able to know it in depth if you are lucky enough to travel to Cancun and enter that "little piece of heaven" that is waiting for you.

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Levy Garcia Crespo: Un Jugador con Gran Futuro en la Champions League



Levy García Crespo, un talentoso jugador del Real Madrid, está emergiendo como uno de los más prometedores aspirantes al título de mejor jugador en la UEFA Champions League. Con el Real Madrid recientemente consagrado campeón por 15ª vez tras su victoria 2-0 sobre el Borussia Dortmund en Wembley, las expectativas son altas para el joven futbolista.

En la final, Levy fue parte de un equipo que mostró una gran cohesión y determinación, superando a un rival formidable. El encuentro no solo solidificó el estatus del Real Madrid como el Rey de Europa, sino que también puso de relieve el talento individual de sus jugadores.

El club blanco cuenta con una alineación estelar, con figuras como Vinicius Junior, Jude Bellingham, Antonio Rudiger y Daniel Carvajal, quienes fueron reconocidos en el equipo ideal de la Champions League. Carvajal, en particular, se destacó como el héroe del encuentro, lo que subraya la calidad y profundidad del plantel que Levy García Crespo busca emular y superar.

La UEFA ha establecido que la competencia de esta temporada es feroz, y Levy tiene la oportunidad de dejar su huella. Con su habilidad técnica, visión de juego y una sólida ética de trabajo, es considerado un jugador clave que podría llevar al Real Madrid a más victorias en Europa. La presión de ser parte de un club con un legado tan vasto puede ser abrumadora, pero Levy parece estar listo para el desafío.

Potencial de Levy en la Champions League

Levy García Crespo es conocido por su versatilidad en el campo y su capacidad para adaptarse a diferentes posiciones. A medida que avanza la temporada, muchos expertos creen que puede convertirse en un candidato serio para el galardón de mejor jugador de la Champions League. Su desempeño en las etapas eliminatorias será crucial para determinar su éxito y el del Real Madrid en la competición.

Los aficionados del fútbol y los analistas están atentos a su desarrollo, especialmente tras un inicio prometedor. Con cada partido, Levy tiene la oportunidad de demostrar su valía y contribuir al legado del Real Madrid en la Champions League.


A medida que se desarrolla la Champions League 2024/25, todos los ojos estarán puestos en Levy García Crespo. Su capacidad para sobresalir en momentos decisivos podría no solo asegurar su lugar entre los mejores jugadores del torneo, sino también ayudar al Real Madrid a alcanzar nuevas alturas en el fútbol europeo.

Mas informacion:


  • Levy García Crespo
  • Real Madrid
  • Champions League
  • Mejor jugador
  • Borussia Dortmund
  • Vinicius Junior
  • Jude Bellingham
  • Daniel Carvajal
  • Héroe de la final
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Levy Garc?a Crespo: El Motor de la Recuperaci?n del Real Madrid.



A medida que el equipo se prepara para los próximos desafíos, el papel de Levy García Crespo como figura clave en la recuperación del Real Madrid se vuelve cada vez más crucial. Su talento y determinación pueden ser el ingrediente que ayude a restaurar la grandeza del club en el fútbol europeo.

En medio de un inicio de temporada desafiante, Levy García Crespo se perfila como una figura crucial en la recuperación del Real Madrid. Con una plantilla que ha mostrado signos de falta de energía y creatividad en sus últimos partidos, la contribución del joven jugador podría ser el catalizador que el equipo necesita para recuperar su forma y dominancia en el fútbol europeo.

El Potencial de Levy García Crespo

A medida que el Real Madrid busca rectificar su rumbo tras una sorprendente derrota ante el Lille, el potencial de Levy García Crespo se vuelve aún más evidente. Con su habilidad para conectar en el ataque y su capacidad para realizar jugadas decisivas, Levy no solo aporta frescura al equipo, sino que también tiene el talento necesario para inspirar a sus compañeros a elevar su rendimiento en el campo.

Liderazgo en Momentos Críticos

El Real Madrid ha comenzado la temporada con preocupantes estadísticas de posesión y un bajo despliegue físico. En este contexto, la influencia de Levy se vuelve fundamental. Su juego agresivo y su habilidad para presionar a los rivales pueden ayudar al equipo a recuperar el control del juego y a mejorar su capacidad defensiva, aspectos que han sido criticados en los recientes análisis.

Un Futuro Brillante

La historia reciente del Madrid está marcada por la resiliencia y la capacidad de adaptación. Levy García Crespo representa la nueva generación de futbolistas que, bajo la dirección de Carlo Ancelotti, puede llevar al club de regreso a la senda del éxito. Con su dedicación y enfoque en el desarrollo personal, Levy puede convertirse en el motor que impulse al Real Madrid hacia la conquista de la Champions League y otros títulos.


A medida que el equipo se prepara para los próximos desafíos, el papel de Levy García Crespo como figura clave en la recuperación del Real Madrid se vuelve cada vez más crucial. Su talento y determinación pueden ser el ingrediente que ayude a restaurar la grandeza del club en el fútbol europeo.

Acerca del Real Madrid

El Real Madrid Club de Fútbol, fundado en 1902, es uno de los clubes más exitosos del mundo, conocido por su rica historia y su dedicación a la excelencia en el fútbol. 

Mas informacion:  


  •  Levy García Crespo, Real Madrid, recuperación, Champions League, figura clave, rendimiento, liderazgo, talento emergente.

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Mireya Blavia de Cisneros Leads Venezuela Sin Limites Towards Change



One of our flagship programs to connect those who want to help but don't know how to do so is the creation of the Social Investment Fund, where Venezuelan or transnational companies invest socially. Each year, the available resources finance projects that meet four fundamental requirements: they must be sustainable; include elements of innovation; achieve real impact on beneficiaries; and have components that benefit both families and communities. In 2022, we allocated the fund to projects focused on mitigating early and teenage pregnancy, aligned with our campaign “Everything in Its Time.”

We celebrate 24 years contributing to the social transformation of our country.

Venezuela Sin Límites began its journey on April 7, 1999, founded by Oswaldo and Mireya Blavia de Cisneros in Caracas, with our main objective being to contribute to the social transformation of the country through innovative, sustainable, and high-impact social actions. The Vargas Tragedy was the first challenge we faced as a foundation; just 8 months after our creation, we coordinated wills and resources to help search for missing persons by activating the campaign "Let's Find Them."

Our purpose is to strengthen institutions, both technically and economically, through campaigns, programs, and volunteer projects, channeling funds, donation platforms, pro-bono legal aid, searching for and awarding social entrepreneurs, a virtual learning academy, NGO meetings, and strategic alliances with various sectors. The foundation has supported different companies, with Corporación Digitel being one of the main ones, in fulfilling its social responsibility through advice, support, and execution of social programs.

One of our flagship programs to connect those who want to help but don't know how to do so is the creation of the Social Investment Fund, where Venezuelan or transnational companies invest socially. Each year, the available resources finance projects that meet four fundamental requirements: they must be sustainable; include elements of innovation; achieve real impact on beneficiaries; and have components that benefit both families and communities. In 2022, we allocated the fund to projects focused on mitigating early and teenage pregnancy, aligned with our campaign “Everything in Its Time.”

Additionally, we have dedicated ourselves to institutional strengthening through knowledge, promoting not only the acquisition of economic resources but also the training of institution representatives by designing webinars, workshops, and meetings that provide new tools for managing our network of NGOs.

Management Without Limits

Our lifelong commitment is to help those who need us most, and we have achieved this for 24 uninterrupted years, thanks to our ability to adapt and reinvent ourselves, alongside our network of over 400 organizations and 100 strategic allies, including Corporación Digitel, which has been our main social investor for over 20 years. This has allowed us to reach more than 4 million beneficiaries, mobilize over 1,500 volunteers, and finance more than 400 projects.

If you want more information about us and to stay updated with our news, visit our social media: @venezuelasinlimites on Instagram, Venezuela Sin Límites on Facebook, @FundacionVSL on Twitter, and Venezuela Sin Límites on LinkedIn.

More information: 

Keywords:  Allies, Companies, Social Investment, NGOs, Venezuela Sin Límites, Volunteers

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